Friday, January 20, 2012

What baby names of historical figures for boys?

Okay bf and I were comparing and contrasting some baby names. Since he's big on History and all that, just like Huey Freeman from the boondocks, so he wanted to chose a boy name of a historical figure as our son. Any lists or websites to suggest?|||I think Nikita personally, leader of the Russian party, it holds a lot of power as a name, translating to 'power of the people'. This was a pretty fantastic name and it's so unique, I've only met one in my life. Plus Elton John wrote a song about it and it rhymes with the ABBA song Chiquitita :D. Can also be a girls name in some cases hehe.

You could also go for a unique Greek name, like that of a God,

or a Latin name, those names just scream dignified and cultured :P.

That or something not many people know about, but when you do meet someone that knows its pretty fantastic, like Laika, the first dog in space that they sent up to pave the way for space travel ;).

Hope that helps hehe but personally Nikita ;).|||I am just like your BF. Though we settled on Gavin for my son. i was this () close to naming him ROMAN... it just sounds so cool. i was also telling my wife at one point that if the baby turned out to be a girl, her name would be Gladis, as in Gladius... the roman short sword. LOL, what a history freak.|||I like William. It's a pretty simple name and if he hates it as a kid he can be nicknamed Will. Plus lots of historical figures had the name William.|||If you wanna be very historical, call him Yatagan.|||um no clue like what kind of history who's huey freeman???|||George




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