Friday, January 20, 2012

Can you give me two Japanese boys names?

I have two characters in a story I'm writing, they are Japanese.

I watch anime and know quite a lot of Japanese boys names. But I want something a little different! And could you please write how they are pronounced next to them? The names should be quite soft sounding and not TOO unusual :)

Thanks very much|||Sho (means to take flight or to fly. part of kanji means feather. suits basically an optimistic and innocent type.) pronounced like 'show'.

Ibuki (means breath, can be for a boy that is generally calm and kind.) ee-buu-key

Yuu (can be writen to mean excellence, for the type that is clever and maybe cute.) pronounced 'you'|||Hiroto (hi-ro-to)

Ruki (roo-key)

Shou (sho)

Aoi (aa-o-ee)

Takeru (ta-ke-roo)

Those are all my fave boy names! ^_^|||Madara (ma-da-rah)

Shiro (shee-roe)

Feel like adding more so...

Hikari (hee-kar-ee)

Kaede (kay-dah)

Watari (wah-tah-ree)

Sora (sor-rah)

Haru (har-ruh)

Sasuke (you should know)

Yuki (you-kee)|||Yuuki (it's a uni-sex name), (you-key)

Takahiro (Taaaakaaaahiiiiiiroooo)|||I Like Daichi (Die-ee-Chi), Tenzin (How it sounds), Takeo (Tah-key-oh), or Yasuhiro (Yah-Soo-Hee-Row)|||Toshio Kimura (Tow-shi-oh Kee-mu-raa)

Seiichi Sawada (Say-e-chi Sa-wa-da)

IDK|||I love the names Hiro/Hiroto, Jun, or Jin :D

Those names are really short and simple.

Of course there are other ones that i really like but these are for now.|||Takeshi

Nago|||Sushi and Wushi. ('Fish face' and 'Waterfall')|||Kiato (Ky-ay-tow)

Maito (My-tow)|||Hikaru




Yukio|||Kakeru and akira|||ken = healthy %26gt; 健

ben = diligent %26gt; 勉|||Ryuu and

Takahiro (or if you want softer, Yuudai)

Hope that helps. :)|||You know whats cute? Hikari :)

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